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Last Sunday I vented about the situation in my hometown and all across south Georgia, which hasn't gotten any better. If you drew a line from Augusta to Bainbridge, everything south and east of that line is devastated, and they are facing a long road to recovery. As bad as that is, it pales in the face of the biblical flooding, death and destruction in the southern Appalachian mountains.Â
What is happening now in North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and South Carolina is nothing short of scandalous, on so many levels... massive, historic levels. The response, or lack thereof, of the current democrat administration and the leviathan of the bureaucracy is the direct result of a stolen election and congress, which is led by democrats regardless of who is in the majority, abdicating its constitutional powers and responsibilities to the administrative state and bureaucracies. The past four years of lies, cheating, ignoring our constitution and laws, criminal behavior on the part of the Biden cabinet agencies, lawfare, misinformation, and outright theft of our treasure and sovereignty, have culminated in this.
Republican governors, especially Governor DeSantis, are giving a masterclass on how to handle disaster response, while more and more it is becoming apparent that our federal government is nothing more than a sanctioned criminal enterprise. Don't believe me? Then consider this.
Three months ago, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkis stated that FEMA was "tremendously prepared" for hurricane season. On Wednesday, he stated that "we do not have the funds." So where did the money go, Mr. Secretary? Well, $1 billion went to quote "provide humanitarian services to non-citizen migrants following their release under Homeland Security's Shelter and Services program." Non-citizen migrants, also known as illegal aliens, in many cases violent convicted felon illegal aliens, illegally imported by democrats at taxpayer expense and strategically placed in the "swing states" with the idea of illegally fast tracking them for citizenship so those states will be flipped blue once and for all.Â
In round numbers, 46k to Georgia, 33k to North Carolina, 26k to Pennsylvania, 25k to Arizona, 16k to Nevada, 13k to Michigan, and 11k to Wisconsin, and those are just the ones we know about of out of the millions of illegals.Â
Meanwhile, Real Clear Investigations is reporting that that Biden is preparing to fire Homeland Security Inspector General Joseph Cuffari, because if there is one thing that democrats abhor, it is accountability for their criminal behavior, especially during an election year. It must be covered up, regardless of who gets in their way.Â
And that's why you won't hear any of this in the mainstream corporate media.
Certainly, you've heard of the lack of communication capability in the mountains after the flooding. What if I told you that the Trump administration had approved a grant of $17.4 million to Space X to install 19,522 Starlink internet access kits in North Carolina alone, in 2020, as part of an $800 million+ grant nationwide, only to have the Biden administration rescind the grant AFTER Elon Musk acquired Twitter and turned it into a free speech haven. None of those areas are connected today, at precisely the time when it is needed most.
Kamala Harris cast the tie breaking votes as VP for trillions of dollars of federal spending supposedly for situations just like this. Where is the money, Madam VP? $1.2 trillion for infrastructure, $42 B for high-speed internet? Over a billion annually for FEMA. Where is it?
Nothing is built, nothing is back, nothing is better.
You must realize that the democrat party, administrative deep state, and corporate media are now all the same thing- a legally sanctioned and well-funded criminal operation dedicated to stealing wealth and sovereignty from the American people, and in the words of Barack Obama, fundamentally transforming the country. How else can you explain why the burned-out victims in Maui got a one-time payment of $700, the flooded-out victims in Appalachia get a one-time payment of $750, illegal aliens get up to $4000 a month, and We the People get nothing except the bill, and a country we didn't ask for?
The brutal irony of all of this is that the same Supreme Court ruling that codified Presidential immunity and threw up a road block to democrat lawfare against President Trump, will also save Joe Biden and Kamala Harris from legal accountability for their absolute crimes against the American people, and has emboldened them to fire or prosecute anybody in their way with impunity.
I've always said on this air "gradually, then suddenly." Well, suddenly is here folks. What are we going to do? Are we going to continue being distracted by the bread and circuses while our alleged public servants steal us blind? While they ignore the very people they took an oath on the Bible of their choosing to serve and protect in time of their greatest need? Will our apathy and weakness be the very thing that fuels our demise?Â
If you think the last four years were bad, and they were for 95% of Americans by any metric, the next four will be the last four on steroids and that fundamental transformation will be complete. Gradually, then suddenly. As Morpheus said in the Matrix, after this there is no turning back.Â
November 5 is the day we choose the direction of our republic, in my opinion permanently. Our margin of error is gone. We better get it right this time, because after that transformation is complete, there won't be a next time.Â