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What Are Our Values (May26th, 2023)

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Happy Memorial Day weekend, everybody. We as a nation set aside this time to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to this nation. Let us not forget their families and friends, too. They lost a piece of themselves when their loved ones died as well.

What did those brave patriots die for? Was it for glory? Money? Because they were brainwashed? No, no, and no. They died for the American ideal, a divinely inspired, unique set of Judeo-Christian values and freedom that have been handed down for generations.

Are those values prevalent in our society now? Would those patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice recognize the values prominent in America today? What are those values?

Are our values George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison? Or are they Karl Marx, Thomas Hobbes, and Noam Chomsky?

Are our values Lincoln, Reagan, and Trump? Or are they Bull Conner, Nancy Pelosi, and Adam Schiff?

Are our values free speech, freedom of religion, and free thought? Or are they thought crimes, political correctness, religious persecution, and cancel culture?

Are our values Jackie Robinson? Or are they Collin Kaepernick?

Are our values based on the nuclear family? Or are they mutilating mentally confused children?

Are our values heroic firefighters running into the twin towers on 9/11? Or are they 30-year-old losers playing video games in their mom's basement?

Are our values all men are created equal and endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights? Or are they critical race theory?

Are our values valiant 20-year-old heroes storming Omaha beach? Or are our values anxiety ridden 20-year-old college students in their safe space with adult coloring books?

Are our values raising our children with Christian values? Or are they selling aborted baby parts on an open market?

Are our values American excellence and traditional values? Or are they nihilism?

These values are the real war of our time- not Ukraine or Afghanistan- and we are in an absolute civil war over what our values will be. Clearly the 2024 election will go a long way toward determining what American values are in the 21st century, and that may be the biggest battle in the culture war, but that battle is being waged every day. Are we really fighting it? Or are we giving it lip service? 

Will we choose to honor those who died to give us this precious gift of freedom? Or will we let it be stolen by the new generation of Marxists? 

What price are we willing to pay to pass that gift along to our children? It is something to think and pray over this weekend while we enjoy our sports, barbecue, and the beach, all thanks to our ancestors who valued the American ideal and God over all else and paid the ultimate price to give us the same gift.  Let's remember them and honor them, and Make America Great Again.  


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