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If You Don’t Vote For Trump, You Ain’t Pro-Black

It’s been over week since the white overseers at CNN initially canceled an appearance on Chris Cuomo’s show with rapper and actor, “Ice Cube.” What was his sin? He had the audacity to present his 13 point “Contract With Black America (CWBA)” plan to President Donald Trump. The plan would increase wealth in black communities. Ice Cube spoke with Joe Biden’s campaign too, but he was brushed off until “after the election was over,” wink-wink. Trump, however, immediately embraced some of his ideas and implemented them into his “Platinum Plan,” for black Americans scheduled to be unrolled in his second term.     

CNN proved that Democrats still hate their runaway slaves. However, to be fair, Ice Cube was re-invited onto Cuomo’s show after tweeting to CNN “They can’t Handle the Truth.” After several minutes on air with Cuomo, Ice Cube finally convinced him that he isn’t pro-Trump or pro-Biden. He was willing to work with whomever was in power to help advance his CWBA.

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