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History has been made this week, and if it seems like there's a whirlwind of progress being made, it's because it is. What we're seeing is a historically talented executive, well versed in his craft, with requisite experience, who is totally committed to his mission, with the right people around him, who has determined what needs to be done, and is doing it. Running the government like a business, what a novel concept.
Contrast that with the previous 4+ years, which was an ideological driven crime spree with the goal of radically changing the world, and using the levers of power of the government of the United States in a corrupt way to accomplish that sinister goal. Despite total cooperation through all 3 branches of government, the media, the UN, NATO, academia, and popular culture, they failed. They failed because We the People have a moral conscious, respect the rule of law, respect our traditions, and know and desire the greatness that the American experiment offers.
They failed because we have a leader, now our President, who never wavered in his love of the country, his belief in its ideals, his belief in us as the citizens of the country, but most of all his faith and belief in himself. They failed because we rallied around that great leader.
No American president, and I dare say no America citizen, has ever had the power of the federal government, the power of many state governments, as well as the media, academia, and international governments and organizations focused on destroying him, and has emerged victorious; and not just victorious, but even more powerful with a real mandate, and leaving his enemies defeated, confused, and in many ways feckless. It is truly a miracle.
So if you are so soundly defeated, where do you go and what do you do? Well, the first thing you do is try to cover up your crimes. In an interview this week, Russian President Vladamir Putin told Russian media that the US manufactured the COVID virus and released it in order to carry out election fraud to get Trump out of the White House in 2019. He also said if not for the COVID biological warfare, and the US running biolabs in Ukraine near the Russian border, the war in Ukraine would have never started. He also acknowledged the existence of the deep state in the US, and said next to Trump, he is the deep state's greatest threat.
Think he's lying? Then explain why Dr. Anthony Fauci's pardon backdates to January 1, 2014, when the National Institute of Health under Obama's HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius gave EcoHealth Alliance $3.7 million to "study coronaviruses," and another $600K to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Remember when they told us COVID came from "wet markets" and from a bat? On January 17, the HHS, no doubt covering their tracks after a GOP led House investigation, suspended EcoHealth and its CEO Peter Daszak, from receiving any federal funding for 5 years.
A week earlier, EcoHealth had dismissed Daszak no doubt in an attempt to scapegoat him and avoid further scrutiny and legal action.
Remember that Biden pardoned his entire family dating back to the same date, January 1, 2014, and that the deep state engineered a fake whistleblower which instigated an impeachment of Trump in 2019 over a phone call to Zelinsky over the firing of Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Sholkin, who had gotten a little too close to the Biden money train and the color revolution engineered by the Obama administration through the state department and CIA, that overthrew the administration of Viktor Yanukovich.
How important was it to the Biden administration? Well, $175 billion, a shooting war killing hundreds of thousands, historically unprecedented pre-emptive presidential pardons, a historic pandemic killing millions, a stolen election, and unprecedented lawfare against President Trump and those closest to him should give you an idea.
Remember all this when you watch the cabinet hearings and debate on the floor of the senate in the coming days. The democrats will press Trump's nominees on retribution, as if cleaning up corruption, rooting out and punishing bad actors inside the government, and restoring the rule of law is somehow revenge. It is not, and there is no moral equivalence between the corruption, weaponization, outright stealing, lawfare, and murder committed by corrupt politicians and bureaucrats and those who seek to hold them accountable under the rule of law. Don't fall for it, and don't fall for the emotional play the media and politicians will attempt to use to disrupt public support for Trump from enforcing our immigration laws. Â
Cleaning up the mess in Washington is going to be hard, messy, and it won't happen overnight.Â
For the long-term health and security of both the US and the world, it has to happen, but remember that very powerful forces are profiting from it and will fight it and try to turn us against one another. We the People, who supported Trump and want peace and prosperity for all men, have to stick together and stand behind Trump. The battle for our country, and with it world sovereignty and peace, is just beginning, so buckle up, it's going to be one heckuva' ride, but if we stick together with Trump, we will win.   Â